
your camp is burning down


07-30-2014, 08:24 AM

The climb uphill had been an unpleasant one. Why they were going up this hill it was unknown to Rosemary, even though she was currently the one at the head of the line. It was midday now and the trek had started early in the morning, where the cool wind whipped at her chocolate fur and sent it flapping around in a fury. It was painful at first to have her coat to be pulled around so violently, but the chill bite soon made her skin numb. Numb like her stomach, paws, and brain. Life had been turned around and upside down so quickly the Caselli brat did not know what to think just yet. The endless whining and complaining had ceased days after leaving their homeland, her kind hearted sister was more forgiving than Rose would have been. Had her sister been whining away as much as she had been, Rose would have tossed her off a cliff already. No, she couldn't do that? Her sister was all she had now.

Every so often she'd pause and turn around slightly just to see if her sister was still bobbing around behind her, Rosemary was afraid she'd disappear if she didn't constantly confirm. Crystal eyes would water at every sight of something gleaming in the cliffside. It reminded her of home and how diamonds were deposited loosely everywhere. The Clan didn't use them as a sign of wealth, they were so commonplace it was like finding deer dung. But now, Rose would have loved to have a piece of home with her.

The spring time sun greeted her at the top of the cliff. It was a bit foggy and definitely cold up here. Shivering and clanking her teeth together obnoxiously, Rose's weary eyes fell on the large patch of budding wildflowers. "Wrong fucking season?" she muttered, the sweet scent of flowers was fading from her roots. Back home Rose made sure to roll in a patch every morning, what was a Caselli princess without her perfume? An exasperated sigh escaped her maw and she sat down carefully, Rose didn't want to sour her mood by sitting in a pile of grime now too.