
Strength and Weakness



5 Years
07-30-2014, 10:30 AM

Novella herself doubted she was intimidating in the slightest, adorable perhaps wasn't the word she would have used herself though certainly lacking in any sort of ferocity. She was still a rather innocent soul really the closest she had ever come to a real fight had been upon her family's attempts to protect Anthem when Virgil and her family had visited Ludicael.

She would smile at his comment, and choose not to question what on earth could be so funny about her attempts to fight, she after all had been the one to find the humour to begin with after all. He would leave distance between them once more as he readied himself for the fight. She hadn't moved too much since he had helped her set her defences and now she make minor adjustments however to ensure she was ready to go. Her paws were still a little widened and balance evenly spread amongst them as her knees bent slightly. The facial expressions once more were a little difficult to set, the seriousness difficult to find though ears would flatten, eyes would narrow and as her lips pulled back her teeth would once more be exposed in the attempt to look somewhat intimidating.

And then the request would come for her to attack. What should she do? Well there was distance between them and so she supposed the first thing to do was close that, she couldn't really attack him from their current positions after all. Novella wouldn't move yet though, still unsure on how to actually attack him if she was honest, perhaps half of the problem was that it was Frith in front of her, she certainly had no desire to hurt him. The other half of the problem was once more bound to be that she was over-thinking things.