
Will You Accept My Love Again?



7 Years
07-30-2014, 11:09 AM

Walk | Talk
| Think

Bane appeared just as uncertain of what to say, where to begin, as she had when she finally finished speaking, attempting to begin only to stop no sooner had he spoken her name. What was it that went through his mind? Desperation to finally be rid of the fight that had separated them the last three days? Or perhaps desperation of a different nature, one wishing to be done with the problem entirely? But Tahlia had made an effort, for herself and for him; it should have counted for something?

Wherever she thought his train of thought to have been, it was not on the path of speech that he started. He spoke not of his actions at first, but of the short-lived relationship he had had with Destruction, of its influence on his reaction to her treatment of her. It stung to know his attachment to her, even after their relationship had already run its course, could still be so strong to illicit such violence, especially considering Tahlia was his mate, his wife, and not her. How could he so easily justify it like this? She still wanted his forgiveness, still wanted his love so badly, and yet she could not entirely rid herself of her jealousy to let it go. How was she to do this?

He drew closer, tears falling down his cheeks, but rather than try to comfort him she drew back, flinching inwardly and averting her gaze from his. "I knew," she stated simply, her voice steadier than she expected it to be though no less coated in emotion, "I knew about you and Destruction. She told me once, out of kindness. She thought I had a right to know." And suddenly there was doubt, a new fear that had never crossed her mind before. Not until Bane had snapped at her in Destruction's defense.

The confidence she so naturally wore abandoned her as the doubt settled within her mind, causing her to shrink more noticeably inward on herself. She was terrified to ask, terrified of what the answer might be, but she needed to know, needed to be certain that she was not wasting her time, had not wasted her time from the beginning. "You say you love me," Tahlia muttered quietly, closing her eyes and lowering her head a fraction further, fearful that she might somehow spark his rage again, "but are you sure? Are your feelings for her simply those of friendship?" She had never suspected it before; he had never given her reason to doubt. But with the way he had treated her...might she have had a true reason to feel jealous all this time?