

Katja the First


8 Years
07-30-2014, 12:38 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2014, 12:38 PM by Katja the First.)

It didn't take long for wolves to begin arriving, some singly and some in groups they straggled in to the lake region. Some howled to announce themselves, some did not. She didn't really care either way, as she was not far from the border anyway. Sigyn and Adelaide from her own pack were the first to arrive, as well they should be, with questions. "Host what you wish," she answered them distractedly, watching the border. "Spars, races, games, healer training. Whatever it is you wish to share with others."

The first alpha to arrive was Bass Destruction with his usual boyish enthusiasm expressing excitement over the festival. "As am I," she answered, though her grave tone showed little of it. She truly was, for this was a holy festival to her, the one time a year she felt it was justified to loosen her grip on her own emotions and actually celebrate, relax, and have... some... fun. She did favor her ally with a faint smile, a rarity for her.

The next to arrive was, surprisingly, her aunt Svanerna. Not allowing her wariness of her aunt to color her emotions on this of all days, she dipped her head cordially to the elder Finnvi. "Ja, Tante. Being far from our family is no reason to neglect the charge given us. It will be, as they say, just like old times ja?" She was, however, surprised by the girl who had accompanied her aunt, introducing herself as Svan's daughter of all things. Surprise flickered across her masked face, gone as quickly as it had come. She would learn more of this later but for now there were more to greet. "Be welcome, vetter. I hope you enjoy your first blot," she said instead, for the girl could not be much more than a year old and she would not have been old enough to participate last year even had she been there.

She inclined her head to the woman who next approached. "Katja Finnvi," she provided. "Heil." As the woman's attention turned away another pair approached, the female bearing the same appearance as the alpha of Ludicael. She did, indeed, introduce herself as the child of the Destructions, and Katja nodded to her. "Heil, Novella Destruction, and be comfortable. Destructions are always welcome in Ebony." She nodded as well at the wolf with her.

An earth-toned wolf of Abaven approached her next with a question. "It is tradition in my family," she explained solemnly, "to gather once a year despite all ill feelings, to celebrate and sacrifice to the gods in hopes of a good year ahead. I am far from home and my family is few here, thusly did I open it to all who would come to celebrate life."

Lior, one of Ebony's pups approached, and Katja lowered her head to her. "Be welcome young one," she whispered to the pup. "And take care. You are young yet and not all will wish to follow our rules. Come to me or your parents if there is a problem." Raising her head once more she nodded to the young Tortuga wolf who spoke to her. Devya and her family approached their own younglings in tow, and she nodded gravely to each young pup. "Phim, Daitaro. It is a pleasure to meet you."

Another alpha approached, this one Roman of Tortuga. She spoke simply before moving on, and Katja simply nodded to her as she did not wish to keep her from her enjoyment. Another woman approached, introducing herself as being of Elysium. Interesting - she had yet to meet anyone from that pack until this time. "Heil, Nephele Elysius, it is a pleasure. I do be hoping you find enjoyment among my people."

The next to approach her introduced herself as the sister of one of the Tortuga wolves who had introduced herself earlier, and Katja greeted her simply. "Heil, Guinevere Adravendi. Be welcome - I will not keep you from your sister." She watched with some amusement as the young wolf rushed off, for what was a blot for if not reconnecting with family? Even the gods were family after all.

A young wolf, minus an eye already despite his age, introduced himself as the king of Glaciem, and Katja nodded regally to him. "Heil, Vereux. I trust Athena is well?"

Baldur arrived then through the crowd to apologize for his tardiness. "Be easy, Baldur," she soothed. "You are not late." She watched him with slight wariness - though he'd saved Sigmarr, and they shared many of the same viewpoints and opinions, she had her concerns about his mental state... brought to mind occasionally when he would sometimes appear to be interacting with something - or someone - who was not there. Perhaps he was mad, or god-touched, or simply weird. It mattered little at the time though, so she simply tucked the thought away once more.


The lake region seemed, while not quite crowded, to be full in a way it had likely never been before, and Katja took a moment to revel in this, her honor to the gods, before she lifted her head in a howl to catch everyone's attention.

"My thanks to you all for attending," she spoke simply, almost curtly. "It would please me for you to all be at home here in the lake region for the duration of the festival. There will be much feasting and recreation in the days to come. As well, I will be calling all those interested in a series of tournaments. Sparring, and racing. Any are welcome in them, as well as holding their own gatherings concerning their interests."

She cast her gaze around sternly. "I ask simply this - remain out of the stone steppe. Only the lake region is open to outsiders, and those who trespass upon the steppe will be treated as harshly as were this not a festival. As well - this festival takes place beneath an implied treaty of peace. By being here you agree to keep that accord. Any violence and aggression will be met in kind, and the peacebreaker removed from the bounds of the festival. A pack wolf's pack will be held responsible for their actions so consider carefully how they may feel of your foolishness before you act. Alphas of offending pack wolves will be expected to support their punishment or the entire pack may be asked to leave."

She would turn a blind eye to the recreational drugs favored by many of her family members, but even they would face her wrath were they to allow the drugs to lead them into breaking the peace. Now, with the law laid down, now she could move on to more... interesting things. "All wolves interested in joining the sparring tournament please gather upon the shores of the lake in two days time to begin." With that she stretched her legs to begin to move among them.

OOC: It won't actually be two days. I'll be starting the spars tonight. Anyway, have fun with the posting in here or make your own threads in Firefly Lake, and feel free to have your wolf host any sort of gathering they want.
