
Explorin's and Stuffs! [Chrysanthe]


05-11-2013, 12:47 AM

Gabriel was curiosity given physical form, if he had a meal for every time he had strayed from the den and for every time his mama or papa had been forced to drag his sorry hide back... he would be undoubtedly fat. He was forever sneaking away, following one scent or another, rump high n the air, tail waggling incessantly and front end practically smearing the dirt. Normally... he didn't get to far before mama or papa rounded him up, but today! He hadn't been tracing a scent! he had just gone off to explore! He bounded through the forest, tripping, stumbling, rolling, fighting to stand and repeating the process. Cuts and bruises littered his young pelt but he didn't care! He was going on an adventure!

Small blades of grass clung to his fur, dirt was smooshed between his toes, tiny twigs wedged themselves in her short, bristly ebony fur... he was a walking disaster... but an excited one! He pounced at lizards, caught and slurped one done, and then proceeding to attempt to gag it back up, to no avail, and finally he explored the inside of a log, housing something that looked quite prickly... he wisely didn't pounce at that.

He raced as fast as his oversized paws would carry him until he came across a small babbling stream. he stopped, quirked his head and starred. What... what was it? Why was the ground moving? Why was the ground blue? ...Was the ground supposed to do that. His tail waggled back and forth as he tentatively approached the stream, he crouched low, rump waving in the air as he slowly scooted forward, tentatively sniffing the earth. It didn't smell like dirt. hesitantly he placed a paw forward and to his shock and bewilderment and with a startled yelp, his paw went through the earth, he lost his balance and careened into the shallow stream.