


05-11-2013, 01:50 AM

Thank you Lube ♥

Morphine hadn?t lost, no, not to the girl before her; she had simply been disregarded as the secondary Vecaan for she really hadn?t attained much power or say in such a position, therefore, she couldn?t defend it. In that moment, hovering over the deceased body of Kaien and pondering over her losses and Desde?s flawed plans for Tortuga, Morphine desired nothing more than to earn her position back, not only because of her starvation for power among the others, but because she actually did give a damn about the pack despite what Desde ? who knew little to nothing about her and judged her based upon this singular event when she knew Morphine would be at her most fragile ? believed of her and her intentions with the pack. She had entered Tortuga?s hierarchy during its early stages under Nnoitra and she had allowed the majority of her life to revolve around it clambering the hierarchy until one day she had had the impulse to take Tortuga?s matters into her own paws so that it would thrive since Kaien had done little to nothing to revive it. Yes, power had backed up her motives; however, if she truly believed herself incapable to help the pack obtain glory, she would have never requested the position of Vecaan. But Desde didn?t know that ? Desde would never know that and would play a hypocrite and judge the white witch when she had been outraged that Morphine had done the same to her. If you can?t handle criticism, don?t dish it out.

The reasoning behind her tantrum was not solely her demotion and Desde would be a fool to have believed otherwise. She had explicitly stated twice now that she was outraged by Desde?s pointless accusations that were not backed by evidence and her flawed plots for the pack; this was no rant simply because of her demotion. If Desde were to remain queen and serve as Tortuga?s primary Vecaan and had allowed Morphine to retain her position as secondary Vecaan, Morphine would have undoubtedly refused the proposal because of her belief in Desde?s incompetence and obviously pretentious nature. Tortuga would see no more progress under this fool than it had under she and Kaien; that much, Morphine had familiarized herself with the moment she had heard Desde?s argument before Kaien?s demise. But Desde held herself above the others as some sort of savior to the pack, as if she was sent by the gods to patch the holes that had been left in the pack that Morphine and Kaien had tried so desperately to mend and she would only disappoint herself when she realized the duty was nothing simple and was accompanied by harsh criticism if the demands of the members were not met in due time. Then and only then would Desde understand Morphine?s frustration with her expectancy for the immediate resurrection of a pack that had nearly breached death a few months before. Then and only then would Desde be fully capable of deciphering just what it was that ticked Morphine off.

I will not have you speak to me and title me as a traitor. I have done nothing against Tortuga but speak out against your rule, foolish girl. Banish me if you can?t handle a challenge, for that is what you are doing. ?You fight for nothing.? You are no less a coward than he, she spoke, her voice returning to its previous monotonous state as she gestured towards Kaien?s carcass with her muzzle. And just look where he wound up. She shook her head at this, her tail mirroring Desde?s as it elevated above her rump, for Desde was no greater than she and Morphine would not treat her as such. She was a coward and would forever remain a coward in the eyes of the woman, and Tortuga would be reduced to nothing but cowards with her at its head. It was a pity and Morphine would live to witness how it all unraveled.

That was all she was able to speak, for at once, the woman pivoted to face the direction of Tortuga, turning her back on the challenge Morphine had posed and losing respect in the process. But Morphine did not call after her, did not chase after her, did not force her to remain within the boundaries of the arena ? she simply smirked as her plotting mind devised yet another treacherous scheme.

- end -
