
I Just Killed My Boyfriend



08-12-2014, 07:53 AM (This post was last modified: 08-12-2014, 08:02 AM by Isardis.)

He hears the encouraging plea of his people; mind feeding from the buoyancy they portray in his abilities, sparing a moment?s thought to Roman as she haunts the tenders of his heart; his lips flutter in sly thoughts of the upcoming, sure that even if he died today, Roman would hunt for revenge upon the rise of the next moon. However it is Jupiter that causes his being to quaver, though his ruby gaze refuses to sway even fleetingly from Syrinx?s fetid form, her words bring forth a harmonising souvenir of his consign to the world; the moon and the sun? though their alliance had been short, it would likely stand for the entirety of Jupiter?s existence, and knowing the sweltering vulpess was breathing and in attendance was enough to persuade his senses into a flurry of quaking thrill.

Pandemonium unfolds around him, becoming aware of Azalea?s fierce endeavours to rise above her dishonoured relations once and for all; however he sways from the acknowledgement as his defences stabilise in the wake of Syrinx? initiation. Shoulders roll forwards as his chin tucks defensively in towards his throat, silver hackles bristling in anticipation as his spine aligns with the rudder-motions of his curled tail, abdomen becoming tight and ruby gaze narrowing eagerly atop his form, simultaneously coral limbs become square beneath him, weight stabilising upon all fours, bending his knees as his ears fold back against his pale skull. As the red beast launches, Isardis? fangs become bare with sanguine thrill and his jaws limply unhinge.

Syrinx approaches at a sprint from front on, and though Isardis appears almost willing to take the blow, muscle coils unseen within taut haunches as hocks further bend in preparation to absorb shock; thus, when the man is less than a meter from Isardis, the Northern King will attempt to meet his opposition mid-stride, striving to push forwards into the potential clash of his oncoming enemy. With weight even-handed on four grounded paws, Isardis rapidly comes to recognise Syrinx?s gaping jaws hunting towards his countenance, attempting to take a small leftwards step with his hind left limb so as to try and position the brute ever-so-slightly to his own right as opposed to directly head-on (right side skull to right side skull); cranium desires to shy to Isar?s own left in an effort to avoid The Foul?s grasp. Alas, he is not wholly victorious and Syrinx?s upper fangs come to land just above his left eye, with lower canines pinching his right upper cheek.

With imposing desires Isardis thrives upon the welcoming of a snide opportunity; with the hostile seemingly purchased over his forehead (?), the pale ghoul attempts to extend his nape frontwards; simultaneously striving to wrench his skull from Syrinx? grasp as the Crimson?s upper fangs graze atop the length of his brow; the pastel oddity attempting to slant his skull slightly right in order to try and prevent the man?s canines finding triumph within the sockets of his right eye upon forced exodus; now left uncouthly with the painful throb of seeping lacerations upon his crown?predicted less than half a centimetre in depth and 1? inches in length. It is then The Armada Patriarch strives to initiate a malicious hunt for the tender upper throat regions of Syrinx, aware and encouraged by the man?s position somewhat above him and Isardis? lesser height, the arctic noble might as well have been delivered his exposed jugular on a silver platter.

Blinded by an eerily blissful bloodlust, with violent intent Isardis seeks to secure barbed ivories over the beating, leftwards underside neck and jugular of his nemesis in the malevolent aspiration to gauge tender flesh and savage the swine?s vital artery; feeding from the ecstasy of his own bloodied desires, the albino King craves to become the crimson product of his oppositions bodily contents. With the demented violence of a rabid dog Isardis hastily attempts to retract from any hold he may have succeeded to attain with the trying and violent backwards tug of his head and nape; hoping to remove his physical connection from the man?s own in preparation for his next assault. Clockwork begins to coil his quarters in foundation to charge; provided the man didn?t now lay helplessly wallowing in the pity of his own blood.

However it seems as though the duet have comparable intentions, ruby gaze narrowing intensely upon Syrinx as he rotates his skeleton to his right, and the instantaneously suspicious Isardis seeks to mirror such actions by striving to trundle both hind limbs in one swift, modest step to his own left, in an effort to deliver the duo?s chests at more of a desirable angle (see: ref). Recognizing the looming bracket of Syrinx? fervent left shoulder, Isardis braces the muscles of his chest and bids to elevate the ragged edges of his own left shoulder blade frontwards. [Partial Counter, Damage Pending] Releasing the boiling surge of power within his hindquarters the pale usurper endeavours to collide his equipped left shoulder blade into the motioned, frontal left shoulder socket of Syrinx, simultaneous to the man?s own slam attempts; vigorously intent on causing bruising to the flesh that loitered there, and ambitious that the combination of motions and angles could have amiably resulted in the possibility of dislocation. However most prominently the albino phantom sought to drastically reduce the damage dealt to himself, and at least to try and cause the attack to land in a different, less imperative location.

And though his mind is a flurry of calculation and bristling determination to kill, Isardis does not foresee the ambitious swing of Syrinx?s right foreleg(?). The pallid King had sought to restabilise his squared weight after his forward surge, however it gave him little aide when the bastard with a death wish succeeded in attaining a loose grasp around his upper left fore-ankle (with his right forelimb). For a horrifying moment the sovereign?s weight begins to tilt, with his paw seemingly coiled within the grasp of Syrinx, he identifies an opportunity that is rapidly demonstrated. Before his weight has shifted more so, the rosy monarch strives to bend his grasped, left front ankle downwards, attempting to initiate a link of his own upon the clutching right front structures of Syrinx?s own forearm; ambitious to prevent the man returning his paw to the earth. And in a single attempt at an exaggerated and forwards shoulder-hop (hind limbs staying in place and squared), the monster endeavours to lodge his own right forepaw at bone-crushing velocity upon the susceptible left fore-toes of Syrinx. Hopeful that with the man?s right limb possibly ceased, he could potentially be forced to take the damage. Moments later and Isardis swiftly releases any grasp he may have attained upon Syrinx?s right forelimb and his left forepaw rapidly finds safe purchase upon the rocky loam. Barely a split second later and successful inflictions or not, the man efforts to square all four grounded paws efficiently beneath himself as swiftly as his physical ability will allow; the hinds need not move, it is only his forelimbs that were previously in disarray. All defences reset and retune, grand and unspoiled; saliva seeps from the depths of his gaping jaws as his stomach endlessly groans at the enticing spill of blood.

Isardis vs Syrinx ? Round 1 of 3!

Attacks: Attempting to bite and sever Syrinx?s jugular on the leftwards side of his underside neck- hoping for access due to Syrinx?s unprotected position atop Isar?s own skull. Attempted Partial Counter, seeking to force his left shoulder blade into Syrinx?s left shoulder socket/joint and cause bruising and/or dislocation. Seeking to make his own arm link/hold on Syrinx?s right forelimb when he succeeds to grasp Isardis? own; hoping to use it as slight leverage and prevent the man returning his paw to the earth while Isardis strives to hop forwards with his right forelimb and crush his opponents left fore toes.

Injuries: Bleeding laceration to the brow: less than half a centimetre in depth and 1? inches in length. Pending damage to chest/shoulder region.

edit overseen by Nyx, just missed a at the second para. <3