
Give me thread, I'll spin it into gold



07-30-2014, 03:12 PM

No sooner had Garth thought of a change of pace than something else stole the idea. Movements from his far right met his ears and he turned his head to see a family of caribou racing away from a white bullet. A white bullet with a burgundy tip...what in the world was that? Little did he know that in a few seconds, he would find out.
Down, down, down the bullet came, only to end up sliding to the bottom of the slope and collide into the ice. Garth impulsively took a few steps to the side, all the while watching the stranger attempt to stand. Legs became awkwardly bent and shortly afterward, she tried again to regain a proper stance. No such luck and she ended up hitting the ice again. Her elbow collided with the frozen water and Garth slowly approached her. He was a sucker for those in need, particularly pretty wolves of the opposite sex.
When she had regained her balance and met his gaze, Garth noticed that she quickly eyed him over. He knew he was a handsome man, but he didn't strut around and say it all the time. Instead, he lowered his head to meet hers, maintaining about a foot between them. If she denied him being so close, he would move. "Hi.." he replied, tones deep due to his rich baritone. "Are you all right?" he asked, giving a brief nod and look to the elbow that had been hit.


Awesome pic by Shelby <3