
grooving on the dancefloor (FESTIVAL SPARS)


07-30-2014, 03:15 PM

The Kaiser listened to her niece's speech. The Viking was defiantly ready to do some fights. It was exciting. A short fun spar for her and another. She was quite undefeated so far, but it could be ruined that day. Hopefully she could win, to show her worth. The fae was indeed a Queen, why should she be beat by another? Would that not be a stab to her pride? Would that not be a sign that she was so easily beat. But, the fae could not tell the future. Her broad paws hit the ground with ease as she slithered her way back to the shore. Near where she and the Adravendi femme sat and spoke. Though, her eyes were keen on her ebony kin. It was odd, being ushered by someone so young. Usually she would be the one hosting. Yet, she would go on with it due to her excitement for fighting. Sparring was a fun time that she would never give up. She would only stop fighting if she became to elder. Her paws carried her to the shore with a little grin. "I wish to enter the contest, darling." The femme paused for a moment before letting her voice slip into the air again. "I also offer my help to you if you need help judging any other events or organizing things." Svanerna Finnvi waited for a reaction, looking to the side to see who else would come her way.
