


07-30-2014, 03:21 PM

She has not seen the albino king since his short meeting within Glaciem. She had decided not to follow him at that time, instead staying within Glaciem for a few days so the king could settle into his new reign. Questions plagued her mind, questions like "does he want me to come?" and "does he even need me?" biting away at the meager positives she had left. Now that Drake was gone there was nothing between herself and her devotion to her king. She wishes to spend her life aiding the king in his feats, she has devoted her life to him and cannot see her life otherwise. He had given her a reason to live when her mother had died, he has shown her what true power feels like, and he has protected her from her fears and enemies. If she had not been taken into Glaciem the babe would have taken her own life out of depression. Isardis has done more for her than she could ever hope to repay back.

She lingers around his borders now, not daring to cross as she knows Argent is the queen. She does not want trouble with the silver sword, whom she knows would not take trespassing lightly, even if she was an ally. She does not send a summon for the king, as she knows his senses are keen enough to pick up her presence. His pack was still fairly small, so her scent would be very hard to miss. Silently she waits, she has no one to talk to since Ramses had been instructed to stay behind. She hopes the king will not make her wait long, as her desire to see him only grows as the time passes.


image by Luisiana

ooc- liquid time to after his meeting in Glaciem. Assume she did not go with him at that time <3