
what will the world offer us? [PUPPY THREAD!]


05-11-2013, 09:32 AM

Tiny paws pushed at the broke earth just outside the den entrance. Those violet eyes watched everything. Small ears swiveled as she took in all the odd sounds. She was a monster of a pup, the biggest of the three, and yet she was so frail. Her small tail thumped once as she stole a glance behind her. She wondered if she walked out the den if anyone would notice. Their mother seemed to be able to slip in and out of the shadows as if she was apart of them so why couldn?t she? Her ears fell back as she heard a warning growl and she let out a small sigh. She wanted to explore and not stay locked up in the den with her brothers.

She padded towards Salamander. Mother had begun to feed him odd things. She was curious as to why she only fed then to him. When she had tried to eat some her mother had scolded her, so why did he get to eat them? She grumbled as she looked at her brother. A tiny anger bubbled in her gaze as she dismissed him and turned towards Bas. Her tail wagged as she crouched down gently on the ground and moved her butt to pounce on him like a feline would a mouse. She let out a vicious snarl! Or rather an odd squeak but it had sounded mean to her! She jumped on her brother and tugged at his ear. He was her favorite. He was handsome and protective and everything a girl could want.

She growled and giggled as she played on her brother. Her violet eyes lingered on her mother for a moment but she turned and continued to paly with her brother. She wasn?t the type to tease with words but more so with her strength. She wanted to surpass her mother?s reputation and be the fiercest warrior to ever have walked the earth! She would hunt them all in the darkness and corner them till they begged for mercy and she would steal it all away! She would be a nightmare for others to fear pissing off, well, at least she dreamed she would be.