
Some things can't be undone


07-30-2014, 04:46 PM

She would lope across the lands, pup still clasped in her jaws. She had gone straight from the ravine to the last place she had seen Apollo. Her strides would stretch far and wide, covering as much ground as possible. Her sides heaved with exertion and inability to pant. She would not stop until she reached the hills, which she would climb with ease. Standing atop a hill, she would gently set the pup down, tossing her head back to release a summon for Apollo. Her call would echo, surely reaching his ears and probably waking him. The sun had peaked over the edge of the horizon, turning the skies orange. As soon as her call ended, she would lower her bodice to curl around the tiny bundle of fur. She could only provide it with warmth, nothing else, she was unable to nurse, which would pose a problem. The gears turned in her mind as she tried to think of a solution. She held within her very grasp the key to bringing down Olympus.Olympus had thrown away a child, thrown it straight into her waiting paws, and now she could raise it to hate the very place it had been born. In the growing light, she would inspect the pup for any injuries. Cuts and buries covered his tiny body and then she finally found his deformity. His leg was so tiny and frail, it would break with the slightest touch. No wonder, he would struggle immensely under any sort of training. But she would not give up, she would raise him and train him to be a warrior. But only if he survived. Which meant she needed to find a food source...
