
Among the Marsh's Song



4 Years
07-30-2014, 05:59 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2014, 06:01 PM by Aoto.)
Aoto couldn't help but feel stunned by the sudden appearance of Ashtoreth that his attention turned away from the pup to the one he knew from a previous encounter. There were words starting to form in the back of his mind but he couldn't help but ask "Ashtoreth, its been awhile since we've last met, I'm Aoto the friendly healer at your service" He nodded his head in respect to the fae. What would she possibly be doing way out here in a marsh like this. His curious mind wandering through questions that he could ask but chose not to until he heard her response.

His attention then again turned to Vaishya with a smile still shown on his face as he nodded his head in respect to the pup before turning his light blue gaze back to the fae he knew. However another question bubbled from his mind and flowed through his lips "I'm guessing she's with you, I'm glad she has someone like you to watch over her" he was quiet but respectful with his words as he didn't want to get into a fight with Ashtoreth especially with a pup around due to the fact that he didn't want to fight anyone anyways.

Aoto sat there quiet after his own words as he didn't know how Ash was going to respond to him especially not knowing how Vaishya was going to respond. He wasn't going to risk starting anything unpleasant and hopefully Ashtoreth might remember him then when he inroduced himself to her again. Something was off though why were they way out here when he met Ashtoreth way back at Palmetto Wash sometime ago. Particularly with a pup in tow again using his assumption of who Vaishya actually was.