
my queen


05-11-2013, 10:57 AM

((apologies for the short crappiness, I don't have a computer currently :( but wanted to get this going. Set after Morphine was banished but before the pack meeting.))

Kaien was dead... Though the thought itself didn't bother her terribly it was her replacement that Vi worried about. Would Morphine remain in power or would she be booted? What would happen to Vi? She had clawed her way up the ranks and didn't plan on releasing her choke hold on her beta position any time soon. She hated change, last time ranks had changed they had been left with Kaien... Morphine had restored her faith in Tortuga, restored her desire to help and be useful within the pack. She was still stalking Valhallan lands almost every day waiting for the treacherous bitch to venture from her new home. She wasn't confidant enough to run into Valhalla and kill her. It was all a waiting game... But would the new alpha want her to carry on with that? Did Vi even care what this new female had to say? She needed to speak with Morphine, they needed to sort everything out, she needed instruction from the one true queen Vi had pledged her allegiance to. If Morphine wanted to lead Vi would follow, it was as simple as that.

Red lady had traveled to the delta, having followed Morphines scent west towards the battlefield but not wanting to interrupt she had loosed a howl instead, a request for the ice queen to meet the red seductress at the Delta. It was close enough to home to not be a huge trek as well it was far enough away that they were less likely to be disturbed. It seemed her whole world would topple around her all in a matter of a week. Little did she know of the queens banishment, that she would soon be stripped of her rank and forced to fight to get it back. At the same time her brother was off maybe getting himself killed. Why would the goddess do this to her? Why would she send her favourite pupil to his death and leave Vi alone? She felt so alone...

White paws pressed softly against the damp sand, the tide just going out this morning. And leaving the beach hard packed and pleasant to walk on. Head tipped back even as she walked, another call for her muse, for her queen. It gave her location, a song of directions and a request to join the red woman on her walk. It was nice to explore the East every so often, she had spent so much time staking out the west that she almost forgot the beauties surrounding her own home. Maybe she would spend a few days here, if the new top bitch would allow it, but who knew...maybe she would be a good queen... Maybe she would finally give them the war they needed. While the alliances between the other packs was still in the beginning stages. They needed more wolves though, they needed to recruit more... Vi had been trying and she knew Ulrike had been as well but they had been fairly unsuccessful thus far.