
Thrown Back and Forth


07-30-2014, 06:01 PM

Her paws were leading her beyond the southern territories again. She was seeking something, but what she wanted, well, Destruction wasn't sure anymore. At the very least she wanted someone to talk to, someone to ease her hurt. Aiden was gone. She had, officially, lost everyone from Seracia. But, on the plus side she had reunited with Tahlia, Bane, and the children. She was getting to know their youngest litter, a boy and a girl whom she already become attached to. She was glad too that The Range was now free of that damned pack, of the poison that took her home from her. Her son, even if it was just his resting place, was not free from them. She could once more lay flowers upon his grave and spend time with him the only way she could right now.

The woman would find herself nearing the lake, and hearing the thundering of hooves as a herd fled from some predator she would search for the ones causing the upset. Instead she would see a black, gray, and white coat going after a doe, and Destruction couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle. She hadn't chanced hunting such large game since she lost her alphaship fight. Her single crimson ringed orb would watch him as she came to a halt, waiting at a respectable distance to see if his catch was successful... and that is was. She would limp towards him, a light smile on her lips.

"Good catch there, stranger." Destruction would say softly. "Would you mind terribly if I joined you for some company? I don't need any of your kill... just some chat with another is all I hunger for at the moment."