
Light Em Up!


05-11-2013, 11:22 AM

The beast, whatever it was, was gone, vanished from the shed, whether it awaited to gut them elsewhere or merely had gotten tired of making a scene Elphaba wouldn't know. It was fast and if just the graze her leg had seen that had sent her careening to the right, he was undoubtedly powerful. However, his massive form was cumbersome, unsteady on a turn. A straight away a wolf wouldn't have a prayer, but in a test of agility and sharp movements there was no way that thing could compete. her ears flickered backwards listening as he spoke. "Whatever your decision on the matter, my Grace, you have my teeth and my claws at your beck and call, you don't need to ask." Her lyrics were self assured and strong. Her loyalty and willingness to serve could not be denied.

Her eyes glanced away from the King to the injury that had already begun to form a scab. She had already cleaned the dirt and debris from the open orifice, and she doubted there was a real chance of infection, she could be wrong, but should such a case occur, the wound would need to be ripped open and tended too. By the time she got up the energy to get out of here, the wound would already be a thick scab and nothing more. Herbs would be quite useless at that point. She would nod at Gerhardt's words, but she would speak no more of her injury. She didn't want the conversation lingering on her. She told him the worst tid bits of her past when she had joined, as was his right to know. But there were questions, inquiries, that she didn't want asked, things she liked even less to speak of. The tip of her tail flickered, the rest of her bodice remaining motionless, the easy silence drifting over them.

She was surprised the origins of his past, and it showed in the emotions that flickered through her eyes. Shock, understanding, acceptance and finally the mask of indifference glided back over her maw. She would inhale sharply and let the breath out slowly, before a smile would curve her lips. He was remarkably calm, and willing to understand a situation for having come from such a wicked past, but then again look at her, she hadn't come from a place of sunshine and daffodils either. "It seems the exiled aren't all that bad no?" The lyrics would fall with just a hint of humor. She hadn't been exiled exactly, but it was damn well close enough. She would have been better off had they merely done as such from the start, but that was neither here nor there and she the thoughts melt away.
