
I Need The Bugger So I Can See



07-30-2014, 08:16 PM

Out of all the swinging it would appear that Sal managed to get a hit on the other man, the wolf being knocked to the ground, already weak from his travels. That was enough for Salamander, all he wanted was to let the man know he didn't like his friends being eaten, a full fledged fight was not on his agenda, ever. And it worked, the man had to drop the bird in order to roar at the boy, asking what that was for.

It was then he would take the chance, head swinging down, jaws quickly lunging to grab the bird and pull away just as the wolf stood back up. Quickly he took a step back, tail tucking in between his legs at how furious the wolf seemed to grow by Sal's actions. Ears pinned back against his skull when the man called him an imbecile, it was hurtful, the boy always thought of himself as special.

Suddenly the wolf snapped at the boy about doing him a favor, lunging forward. Salamander would try to turn away and run, not one for fighting what so ever. He wouldn't get too far, his body curved away from the man but not fast enough. A pain would shoot across his shoulder, jaws grabbing hold of his scruff and dragging the boy into the ground.

The boy would drop his bird in the process, rolling over onto his back with tail tucked so far between his legs that it was almost touching his belly. Ears back, forlegs tucked into his chest. What else could he do? He was already beneath the dominant male, no chance to run off now unless he wanted to lose a tail or ear. "Scary wolf! Scary!" He whined, trying to cover his face with his paws as if it would make the monster go away.


Awesome image by Canttina <3