
The Devil In Stitches


05-11-2013, 11:51 AM

((Shortness D: just need to get a post in here before replying to Shrap))

Her walk from the Delta had been slow, head hung and lips curled in distaste. The news morphine had given her leaving a foul taste in her mouth. Her queen was banished? She would burn Tortuga to the ground if that was what Morphine desired but no... For now she would bow her head to the new queen and accept her. No one could or would ever know of her plan until it happened. So when the howl for another pack meeting was loosed black lined eyes snapped in the direction and teeth snapped at the air. She hared change, sometimes she could accept it when it would benift her as when Morphine had taken the throne with Kaien bu another leadership change was not something shefelt comfortable with. Today she would kiss the queens ass, she would play nice and make her believe that Vi would serve her unconditionally. Tomorrow, hopefully, she would rip the bitches heart out and bring it to the true queen.

Expression was somber as she approached the scene, already a fairly large gathering but still no Ky. Was he dead? Whatever worries she had had about her brother were ceased as Des began to speak, detailing what had happened with Kaien and then carrying on to speak of an alliance with Valhalla. Expression was kept neutral, ears pricked in feigned interested as she seated herself by Secret with a short nod. She didn't few right, even as a beta to take her place beside Nnoitra and this new bitch that called herself queen. She was glad Nnoitra was leading beside her but what was the point of being here anymore? What was the point of bothering to be in this pack who claimed to take in everyone and anyone who now wanted anyone who wanted bloodshed gone? Nnoitra has accepted some sketchy characters back in the day, ones even Vi had been unsure of and had allowed them to cause some trouble and now they would align the self with Valhalla? Fuck if she wanted to be in a good or neutral pack she would have joined Valhalla in the first place...

And then came the show stopper. They were all stripped of their ranks.

Lips twitched, a hint of a snarl showing on her expression but it was tossed aside almost instantly. No, that would be saved for later. "It's good to see you back on the throne Nnoitra. And Dessemona... I will do what is needed to prove that I deserve my old rank" she said easily, head tipping politely after she spoke. The bitch had to die. But now wasn't the time, Vi had to hide her time, wait it out and play the good little lap dog until it was time. It was then that the bone dropped the the sky, fresh blood covering it as she struck the ground before the new queen. Wide eyes turned to the queen and she looked at Secret questioningly. "Say it's not true... Have you left Kaien's body to rot under the sun? To be packed apart by vultures?" she asked, voice more shocked and horrified ten rude or demanding. How dare she! She held no love for Kaien but for him to be left to rot was wrong...