


05-11-2013, 12:28 PM

Stripped of her rank! The bitch! Hackles were raised as the red lady wore a path into the hard earth with her pacing. Lips curled back, fury unleashed only in solitude, only when she knew no one would see how displeased she was with everything. She had played it cool, missed some ass at the pack meeting and had left. She had no desire to speak to their new alpha alone, no worries or troubles she wished to voice. All the worries and troubles she had would be righted soon enough. She would handle them herself, she didn't need this new queen in her life. But what was to be done about Nnoitra? She respected the old alpha, always had and always would. Would he pose a problem?

Speak of the devil... A howl resonated in her skull, and pacing ceased as her head lifted as her ears turned to catch the echoes of the sound. White paws were moving even before she gave it a concours thought. He wasn't far, easy to find and holding himself as regally as ever. Head bowed, nose almost sweeping the ground before lifting it and coming to stand easily before her king. "To what do I owe this honor my leige?" she asked easily, head tipped curiously. Had he noted her shock at the stripping of her rank? Had he noticed her rage? She had been careful, cautious, perfectly composed except for that curl of her lip.