



08-05-2014, 08:34 PM
OOC: Only had my first fight post saved, but we can start this over at least. Sadly lost the talking beforehand but atleast Eve and I know where it left off, haha.

For now, he is calm; tranquil and utterly blissful in the darling tenderness of this infantile usurper. Tragic innocence would bleed from the gaze of this disorientated boy, and through his charming words of ?equality? Isardis will almost sneer in heartbreaking disappointment; it seemed until Irune showed to preach of her personal decisions, battle would not come. Wasn?t it so dull that all these proclaimed rulers had little desire to defend their own people? What use was a title when you behaved as listlessly and brainless as the majority of the population- the albino ghoul would never truly know. Though the tables suddenly turn, a wicked flash of personal accusations staining his lips with the very blood he could not defend. ?It seems he wants to make this personal?? a brittle chuckle gurgles eerily from the chasms of his pale maw, hind quarters rotating slightly in an effort to come face-to-face with the pale man that so dared to speak such corruption.

And so personal it will be.

Full mind is paid to the steadfast formation of trained defences: stance becomes squared, weight evenly dispersed, knees bowed, chest lowered, toes splayed, claws piercing into the rocky soil, tail swayed level with aligned spine, hackles shuddering to a bristling rise, shoulders rolled forwards, abdomen tight, head lowered to ally with his shoulders, neck scrunched, chin tucked, jaws agape, eyes narrowed and ears pinned against tapered skull. Muscles remained tense to aid the rejection of any piercing gnaws, but his joints are lubricated, ready to amend based upon his movements. Universal attacks begin to unfold, his autograph charge commencing in the powerful uncoiling of his taut thighs; attempting to remain almost face-to-face with his accuser, he strives pace towards him.

Orderly conduct is key, he has little desire to pelt at full speed; no, he will remain calculated in preparation for the child to make any sudden movements. In a wholesome attempt to bridge their distance, Isardis hopes to presents himself minorly to Bass? right side; his own right shoulder blade jutting forwards in domineering prospect, skull lowered and shielded towards his left in an effort to protect his vitals. With the power coiled within his abdomen and rear, The Northern King attempts to collide his right shoulder with the tender right shoulder joint of Bass; hoping to cause painful bruising to the regional muscle and threaten to displace the shoulder blade from its socket. The rival?s loss of balance was also an optimistic endeavour, and one that would be welcomed.

He is no stranger to battle. No excess thought need be applied to his second nature response to triumph; gaping jaws attempt to hunt towards his upper right, ambitious to take a relentless hold over the cream stranger?s scruff (lower canines possibly positioned to Bass?s right side neck, upper canines to the bridge of his nape and slightly over to his left side neck). He seeks to attain a (potentially) profound grasp, to inflict damage to both flesh and skin, and to use any preserved clutch to potentially overpower the boys control of his skull. With not a moment to waste, Isardis? right forelimb is sent in an attempted search for the Abaven lord?s own inner right forelimb; he desires to curl his own right ankle around the boy?s lower right forelimb, and try to pull it eagerly back towards him. His limbs strive to balance his tripod stance, but it is short lived; whether he has attained success or not Isardis rapidly replaces his right forepaw soundly against the Battlefield?s pebbly loam. Balanced and squared, he readies himself for the outcome of his attempts.

Isardis vs. Bass ? Round 1 of 2!

For Irune and Dominance.

Attacks: Attempted slam with right shoulder blade into Bass? right shoulder joint. Attempted bite towards his right-side scruff, hoping to attain a secure hold. Striving to cause a loss of balance by hooking his own right forelimb around Bass? inner-right forelimb and pulling it towards him.

Notes: Who would you like to judge, Eve? I?m happy with Muse, Aly or Lunar. <3