
Some things can't be undone


08-05-2014, 11:26 PM

He just couldn't take his eyes off the pup, even after the black wolf curled around it spoke. No. This wasn't true, this wasn't right. He knew who this was, but he just wouldn't accept it. He couldn't, because that would mean that the parents that he cared for were not the saints he had drawn them up to be. Apollo felt like he had just lost the final thing that even made him stay in Olympus, the only thing that made him hesitant about Chryseies's plan. But this... this was a whole new chapter for him, and he knew that this dame had no idea what was going on. She probably thought that he was crazy, frozen in this trance-like state.

Finally tearing his gaze from the tiny demon he met her eyes, his own salmon hued ones looking confused and oh-so lost. "That woman was my mother." He hissed through clenched teeth. "The pup you have claimed is my brother. I didn't even know he existed, my mother must of hide him from me and my father most likely assisted. I never knew my dear parents were so twisted." He said, looking away from his darling Chryseis and towards the horizon. He had never before felt so lost. Did they contemplate dumping him because of his imperfect coat? Did it ever cross their minds that he might be cursed? His mother always told him that it was nonsense, but that was probably her just trying to convince herself that he was normal. But he was far from it. A strange, mangled sound came from his maw, a whine mixing with a growl.

He felt shaky, and sick. Apollo felt as if he was going to wretch. He knew that with that twisted leg he noticed, that he would not have made it through training. But how could they toss their own son to die? Did they feel sadness, loss? The stony walls around Apollo were falling down, he felt as if his whole world was coming apart at the seams. "What are you going to do with him?" He managed, although he could see black dots dancing before his vision. For the first time in his entire life, the stony male wanted to be held.