
poor little king


08-06-2014, 07:52 AM

The young woman was both very confused, but deeply concerned for her dear friend. She still had no clue what was going on...and she had feared it had something to do with his family or his pack. Especially now that he had peeked up at her through her tan fur to look at her- to see the expression on her face. But instead, he gazed over his for a moment. Horrified. In pain...maybe? She couldn't tell...but it all came down when he began to speak. "I walked in to them humping on my borders." ---...The babe didn't know how to respond to this. She didn't want to laugh, because that obviously wouldn't make her friend feel any better. She didn't want to say it was okay or that was nothing to be afraid of because...because she didn't know who he'd react.
Wren, herself, has experienced seeing two partners mate. It was very awkward...but she didn't really make a big deal over it. All she did was go to her mother and demand an explanation, which seemed to unlock her maturity way too early. Or...part of it. That's why, when she had met Bass, she found him attractive and had made the horrible mistake to flirt with him. After that she had sworn not to ever act...inappropriate towards him. So now this strange behavior Bass was displaying was very puzzling. The way he seemed to resist on...something. The way she could feel his body shutter softly beside her was all so confusing. But it didn't really matter. If her friend needed comfort she'd give it to him.
"Umm..." She inhaled slowly and tried to find the proper words to say. Then, breathed the words out with such confusion. " happens to everyone. Maybe even you." The young dame sounded like a mother explaining what Bass called, "humping." And it was awkward beyond belief. Her own cheeks were growing hot and red...but she tried to act mature about the whole situation. "Because everyone get's to that point where they actually want that to happen to them." Wren glanced down at him and continued to offer him comforting nuzzles and gentle nips, while awaiting his own response to her little explanation.