
Keeping Pushing



5 Years
08-06-2014, 09:23 AM
The other male seemed rather tired. This was surprising given that Newol felt nothing of the sort. He was used to being out late. But then, he was driven by something. He had something driving him with a determination and a fire that was down right scary. He would not be the one to leave things unfinished, no. He would stand triumphant in his goal to restore his pack. It thrashed about under his skin like a legion of howling voices crying to be avenged. It drove Newol out of his calm and quiet cave early in the morning, and drove him until late into the night. Such was the way of the young man. He was a creature of the soul. A creature of pour heart and sound mind.

For the life of Newol, he was trying to figure out what it was about this wolf that made him so familiar. There was something about him. Just something about his scent that Newol thought was familiar. And a voice in his head was yelling that it was obvious and that he should totally recognize this. But alas, there just wasn't enough of it. What ever it was, there was only the faintest traces of it left. So for the time being he simply dismissed it. Right now, he'd simply enjoy the company. Why, finally, the male spoke. And what he said struck a nerve in the brute. He hated the application of that word in this situation. Freeloading!? It was a pour application of the word. Freeload nothing, it's my fish I'll see it eaten by who ever I damn well please! Such was Newol's nature. There where too many around only interested in taking, and he just wanted to give. So, with a chuckle he responded in a friendly manor with a smile. "Way I see it, it's my fish to offer as I see fit, so offer it I shall."

And with that, he took it back into his jaws and moved to sit beside the male, still a respectable space between the two of them. Then, turning his head to the male, he held out the fish in his jaws to him to allow this new stranger to take his preferred half. It was a somewhat risky move, yes. The young man had left himself exposed, his neck an easy enough target. But this move served a double purpose. It was both a sign of respect, and an indication that he was no enemy of this stranger. No, not in these troubled times.