
∞ ɪɴғɪɴɪᴛʏ



9 Years
08-06-2014, 01:40 PM
( ) are ooc notes :3 - <3 skype me at kara.ward101 for questions. ^.^ - also edit of previous post was approved by starry. just changing the ooc stuff :3 XD

He would retaliate with words, words of pure stupidity. Though her attacks were quite dull. As she ran at him the girl missed her target as he shifted to his left. Her fur would brush past his. (not sure what fur is being brushed?) Though, as she snapped her venomous jaws at the man's right eye they would miss. She would gain a good bite right under his right eye. Upper jaw and lower jaw latching onto a bit of the tender flesh for a few moments. Though, suddenly, his filthy head would shake as if he was crazed. But, it did work. Her grip on his right cheek was faulty, jaws were forced from his face. Though, his blood did indeed coat the front bits of her muzzle. The taste of the metallic liquid just made her want to go on even more. His first mistake was testing the patience of a cannibal. Yet, as her left paw raised and attempt to tug at his right elbow, he fell forward slightly. Success with at least one of her attacks made her rejoice, but the battle was not finished until he was missing an eye.

Quickly, the 'bitch' would take a moment to set her various defenses. Each of her dark stilts were bent at the knees to lower her skinny bodice to the earth below. Her numerous toes were splayed to grip the ground with her rough pads. Paws were flexed enough for her claws to dig into the ground as well, for more grip. Both ensuring an advantage in balance. Each leg was spread with weight distributed quite evenly. Her beautiful wispy tail was slightly erect, aligned with her bony spine. Her narrow head was lowered as well aligned with her spine to give her an advantage in mobility if needed. Her slightly thicker hackles puffed up, her scruff moving into rolls of rough flesh to protect the area beneath. Her chin was pointed down to tuck her head in and protect her throat from any life threatening assaults. As she tucked in her head, the girl made sure her blood red orbs were narrowed to protect them from any sort of devious assault, which was to come. The tender flesh of her audits were beautiful slicked back to hide them from tooth and claw as well. Inky lips curled up to show off her beautiful ivories for intimidation, but such would also bunch up the skin beneath her eyes to protect the tender flesh of her cheeks. Last but not least, her breathing was steadied and her core tightened to brace herself for assaults.

As the gluttonous fool fell he would quickly attempt a horribly blunt move. Shoving his body at the girl. (don't really know which side of hers hes facing or anything so im kinda guessing she is facing his right side... makes the most sense) His right should slammed into the center of her chest. The girl took an involuntary half-step back in result. A bruise would also slowly form from such a brutish slam. Though, he was obviously not done. His jaws would strike forth at her left eye, mimicking her attack but at the opposite eye. He would try to injure her left eye by striking directly at it. But, in those quick moments the girl moved her head down and his jaws sunk into the bits right above her left eye. His lower jaws landed at the brow right above her left eye and upper jaws sunk into the skin about two inches above such. Clamping down to ensure a deep and painful grip on her face. His teeth sunk in at about a half inch, deep enough for a bite with so little flesh to latch onto. Blood slid down her face, flowing slightly into her eye, making it slightly hard to see for a few moments, but with rapid blinking the girl could see enough to ensure he did not take advantage of such. Yet again, the fool was not complete. Mimicking another one of her attacks, the boy raised his right paw and swiped to forward at her left frontal elbow. His body leaned against hers as he did so, making her take another involuntary half-step back. But, as she did so he caught her left front paw in that swipe causing her to stumble slightly. But, she would quickly recover by ensuring each paws was back, evenly, on the earth.

To recap, she was facing his right side with the center of her chest. He had a grip on the left bits of her face, above her left eye. It was a slightly awkward position but she could work with it. The Kaiser allowed most of her weight to shift to her hind legs as she attempt to lift her front legs off of the ground. Her head would remain low for the moment, but quickly trying to whip it back as her paws moved to slam down on his back if she successfully wrapped them around him. Her left front paw would aim to land on the center of his upper back, right between his shoulder blades. Her right paw moved to hopefully reach the left bits of his upper back, more near the shoulder. The girl would try to whip her head back again, due to the fact that his grip on her left brow was not the best, she could potentially easily remove his grip. But, it would be up to what he did. But, despite if his grip was faltered or not, the babe would attempt to snap her jaws at his left eye this time. Due to his right side of face was facing away from her. The girl had no other choice but to attempt a snap of jaws at his left eye. Both of her jaws attempted to latch onto the eye, the orb being her only concern. She would be relentless. Though, such an attack could happen whether she wrapped her paws around him or not. All of such would depend on how he moved. But, the babe was ruthless in every way possible. She would taste his blood.




Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.