
slowly dying because of you



9 Years
08-06-2014, 02:14 PM

The babe was officaly a leader of her own pack. Niflheim. It had been keeping her busy, quite busy. It was the day after the shenanigans of the meeting. It was tiring, but she got a lot of sleep the previous night. But, the babe was taking a moment to relax after all the drama. She was already tired of her pack members, but they were her new family. Her subjects. They made her pack what it is, therefore she would deal with the drama unless it got out of hand. She had a feeling it would eventually but for now the Finnvi just wanted to relax. Therefore she ventured off to the Lake that was once Valhallan territory. The babe gave it up for it was to much land for such a small pack. Yet, as she ventured the scents were still slightly there, but a more fresh one caught here attention. A male. He smelled of the north. But, not Regium or Glaciem. The fae moved to investigate. Her head was held high and her ears perked as she slithered the mans way. But, as she broke from the trees, gaining way on the lake her eyes fell upon the ebony and alabaster boy. He sat in the clearing in the middle of the lake. Staring down at the water. The femme stood and observed him for a few moments before acting.

Her horribly skin bodice sauntered to the edge of the lake, on the opposite of him. She stared at the oddly marked man, but she could not judge for she was quite oddly marked as well. Stripes of an ebony and red color slipped down her face. It was odd, but it was normal for her family for her father had similar markings. The Cannibal Queen stared at him some more before sitting down. Her tin tail slithered to her side, fluffing up next to her left hind leg. She would glance down to observe her skinny bodice. She was rejoiced. The vain girl looked beautiful. In her eyes the skinnier the better, but she did not look quite unhealthy. Just skinny enough to show her bones sort of. The babe looked back up to him before letting her illustrious vocals fill the mildly warm air. "Greetings, sir." The fae was formal. She was a Queen therefore she would give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Yet, she had another side only two others knew of.

Warning: Schon is prone to swearing, violence, and gore. This character is a cannibal. Thread at your own will.