
Intermission from the world


08-06-2014, 06:00 PM

She continued to remain on edge, not really sure how this conversation would go. On the one hand, she could deny the girl any information about Taurig and leave her hanging. Then again, she could tell Talvi and the revelation may bring them closer as siblings. Pandora felt stuck, but wouldn't show any more feelings about the matter then. Instead, she watched Talvi as she moved to sit on the ground and appear interested. The 'Go ahead' from her sister was enough for her to let the flood gates open.
Apparently, she had been holding her breath, because when she started to speak, Pandora gave a large exhale. Blankly blinking, she recovered from retaining the carbon dioxide and let the oxygen race to her head before promptly relaying the information. "Our father was a part of Glaciem before he even met my mother. He is...was...whatever...Isardis's son. He left Glaciem to pursue a life of his own, claimed a pack, and intended to remain on good terms with our grandfather. Instead, he became an outcast and Isardis took away his birthright..." She kept a neutral face as she talked about Isardis. She didn't know her grandfather and part of her wanted to keep it that way.
"During that time, Argent was Queen of Glaciem. She met my father when he still ruled Tortuga and they...had an affair. She became pregnant and disappeared from the world. I don't know where she went, but eventually, she came back with her children..." A shuddering breath rose and fell from Pandora as she tried to remain strong. "A war broke out between Glaciem and Valhalla, giving our Aunt Sendoa the chance to leave Glaciem and remain in our father's kingdom. Isardis came to the borders and took more away from him...his sight and his ability to have children." Her tail curled around her hind legs as she imagined Taurig being beat down by a white wolf. A low growl slipped through the last of Pandora's words, but not directed to her sister.
"Aunt Sendoa went back to Glaciem and told Isardis of my mother. She had been seeing Taurig while all of the drama was going on, making it official before he became blind and barren. My father moved us away from Glaciem, and then we were born. Drama stopped and life was good..." She sighed and broke her gaze from Talvi as she concluded her story. "Then, he disappeared without letting anyone know. Mama was broken-hearted, even if she didn't show it. He returned a few months later, explaining he was sick, but some part of me didn't believe it." Silently, she tucked Maija away from prying eyes of the conversation. Her mother didn't deserve to have her business told all willy-nilly.
Her eyes looked back up to Talvi and she softly cleared her throat. "That was all I was told...It makes sense because when I saw him for the first time, he was blind and had scarring across his milky white eyes. From what I remember, he was loving, but it only lasted until he left...Since then, I've been raised by only my mother..." Eyes kept their gaze with her sister's as she softly added, "Maybe it would have been better to have not known him..."
