
poor little king


08-06-2014, 06:32 PM

"But... why?" At that moment, Bass seemed like a pup. But not in a bad way...just in a confusing way. Hadn't his parents explained sex to him? Explained why- once they got to a certain age, they were so sexually allured to woman? It really wasn't a topic Wren wanted to drift into. About how mating works...but it seems they had already floated into it. Unfortunately. Wren's own parents explained everything to her with absolutely no hesitance or things skipped. It was kind of confusing and a bit nasty, but as the years passed, she didn't really think into it much. Only that it was a beautiful action of two partners...obviously Bass thought otherwise. Hell, he didn't even understand sex completely, it seemed. Would she really have to explain it all to him?
Suddenly, her friend lifted his nose to her cheek. A very minor gasp left her lips. Though, not because of the nuzzle. The soft nipping he offered her. Before, this man didn't even dare to nuzzle near her face. He only nuzzled her shoulder to comfort her, or welcome her. This...this was something different. Not only did he affectionately nuzzle her, but her actually drew his teeth across his delicate fur. "Is that why I am having all these sudden feelings towards you?" Her heart skipped a beat as his tail tightened around her backside, and he spoke of those words. Oh...Wren just wanted to slip into this strange behavior Bass was displaying. To play along with it. But something in her heart just told her not to.
Was is because she had been scarred by his sudden discomfort when she had first flirted with him...? Or maybe, externally, she didn't think this was right. Internally though she knew what she wanted. Him. --- Wren quickly slipped into back into reality with a mouthful of answers to his question. "Yeah...yeah, I think so." Her nips and nuzzled ceased for the moment...maybe that was why he was acting strange...maybe. But maybe it was because of her being so close? She'd move away...but that wasn't what a friend would do. Never. After all...a little part of her approved of this...