
Intermission from the world



3 Years
08-06-2014, 06:54 PM

Silently she would await the story, certainly not expecting as much detail as she had been given. From the first facts given however the blue and silver girl would be shocked. Her father had been a member of Glaciem as well, not only that but had been Isardis' son. It made the albino her grandfather, made her part of the Armada family despite the last name of Zaldun. That information alone was a lot to take in and yet Pandora continued to speak.

The island. That's where Argent had fled to. Talvi couldn't recall it's name or even location anymore but it had clearly been she and her littermates that Argent had fled with, the gold marked girl before her knew that fact even without the location. She would keep quiet however as yet more of their family history would be revealed.

She found herself suddenly unsure what to make of the former King now. She'd never really gotten the chance to get to know the man though to maim one of his own children in such a way was an odd and rather scary concept to Talvi. Her sister had fled the lands, would the same fate await her if she was found by Isardis? She certainly couldn't see herself ever wanting to harm her should she turn up again, how could Isardis do the same to his own blood?

And then finally came the final details, the words that would put their father in the light that Talvi had always seen him, as a man that had abandoned his family. Clearly he had some issues staying faithful given the two litters in such close time frame, she didn't think the age gap between herself and Pandora was too much after all. She now knew of course that it wasn't entirely his fault, her mother had fled from him and returned to Glaciem meanwhile Isardia perhaps would have harmed him even further if he showed his face upon the lands. Still though, clearly at heart he had commitment issues if he would leave Pandora and her family as well.

"I think in some ways it was easier." Talvi would admit, her entire life was suddenly far more confusing than she had ever thought it was previously. "I've never heard most of this information though, my family have kept a lot of secrets from me." It hurt a little if she was honest, she'd always been told her father was useless, a waste of space though it seemed it wasn't the entire truth.

A moment of silence would pass as all was left to settle once more. "I'm Talvi by the way." It'd occur to her now that they'd never introduced themselves. At first she'd been concerned after Pandora's collision with a tree and then they had given each other far more to think about. Perhaps now that the pair were becoming a little more relaxed starting to view each other as sisters it was time they actually knew each others names. If one thing had come out of this news, it was the sudden revelation that this irritation she'd felt had been very wrongly placed on the girl before her now.