
ARVANITI, atlas blythe


08-06-2014, 08:44 PM
Out-of-Character Name: Kyley <33
How did you get here?: I've been here c:
Age: 16 <33

Character's Name: Blythe Atlas Arvaniti
Age: 4 years
Season of Birth: Spring
Adult Height: 36"
Appearance Description:
36" INCHES | 185 LBS

Blythe is an angel that walks among the living, she shines as bright as the sun, her beauty never ever gets distraught. She is your Goddess, unlike any other, her coat glows a faint caramel blossoming color with a tint of silvery white patches fading out into the darker tone. Her bodice is layered upon massive muscles of pure destruction, long strong legs that are made for lost sprints across the terrain.Long fluffy tail that erupts into a ghostly white at the tip, all four of her paws are white in color along with the tips of her ears. Her face is long and narrow yet stacked with muscle to give off her enormous cranium which fits well to her over-all colossal frame. Blythe has battle worn scars that lay kin to her vessel, a gash on her left shoulder, one along her back hind leg, and another that is fresh and new cratering against her side closet to her under belly. Her face is stitched with a few markings, a brighter caramel paints the right half of her eye with a gentle swirl that starts at the tip of her jawline then rounding the upper part of her eye. A few more tigress claw marks decorate the sides of her muzzle. Now on to her eyes, they are doe shaped, glowing an amethyst emerald green with little to white specks creatively splashing their ink around the core, long black eyelashes are the finishing product to her beauty.
Proof of Purchases: Credit to Luisana for the beautiful artwork on Blythe that she so kindly gave me <33