
poor little king


08-06-2014, 10:51 PM

Her heart was being yanked back and forth. she wanted to sink into this moment. But...what if the man didn't mean for this to happen to himself? What is this day drags out longer with the pair side-by-side...and then Bass, later on, will remember everything and never speak to her again. It was all so risky. And for a moment, the woman felt like moving away. Just to show Bass that she wasn't sure if she wanted...this. But her body refused to move anywhere. The warmth coming off his body was addictive...and the way he acted just intoxicated her. And though she was still filled with confusion and hesitance...she would stay. Stay with the man and accept his sweet nothings.
A soft nuzzle was offered to her ear, and just that made her heart beat faster. This time, not with anxiety or confusion. But with need. It was a strange feeling that made her want to get closer to the man. But he already did so for her. He moved closer. The woman embraced his warmth, and let out a soft huff as he planted a kiss upon her cheek. It almost turned out to be a moan...but she didn't feel the need to cross the line...just yet. Though suddenly- Bass seemed to come back into reality. He began to speak- and Wren immediately snapped into attention.
"Is this wrong Wren?" The babe didn't exactly know for sure herself. Was it bad to be playing around with Bass like this? Or...did he mean to ask if she had a problem with this? If so...then of course not. At first she had felt a little hesitant about everything...and about Bass coming to dislike her. But now- that grin he displayed pushed all of her nervousness away. It told her he was still that loveable little man she met that one day. Just altered ever so slightly. - After he had finished, Wren slowly leaned her head in to plant a kiss upon his cheek. Then, she would whisper her reply. "No Bass..." She paused for a moment, and allowed her lips to form into a smile. "Don't leave...please..."
Her eyes were full of hope for the man. He didn't need to talk to anyone...he didn't need to leave. Everything he was doing wasn't even bothering her anymore. She just let things flow...let things happen. As long as Bass didn't leave her side... "Speech"