
Some things can't be undone


08-07-2014, 12:14 AM

When he finally snapped out of his trance, he looked confused and lost. Brows would furrow in her own confusion. Why was he so upset by this? She was about to voice her question when he spoke and suddenly everything became crystal clear. His words came through clenched jaws and had her brows lifting in surprise. His mother? So this pup was his brother? Interesting. The rest of his words went in one ear and out the other, all that mattered what this pup was his brother. His salmon gaze left hers in favor the horizon, emotions flashing across his face as he seemed to be torn on what to do. She could only imagine the turmoil that was racing through his mind. She would remain silent, allowing him to process the situation that was currently tucked against her belly.

His question fell shakily from pale lips, and it had her thinking. "He will stay with us, seeing as he is your brother." She would peer down at the child, once again mulling over names. But when she would lift her gaze, Apollo looked at though he was about to gal over dead. "Come here." She would coo softly, beckoning to him to lay beside her. She didn't know what was going through his mind, but whatever it was, she didn't think it was good. A gentle smile played on her lips, as she hoped to sooth his pain, a rarity for her, and a moment that should be cherished.
