
Hearts on Fire


08-07-2014, 02:03 AM

Leaving his sweet Chryseis with his brother, he had stormed towards the place where his parents called home, where HE was supposed to call home. But he spent most of his days away, and now he couldn't even stand the stench of the pack lands as he grew near. He was angry, more than angry at his parents. He had believed them to be perfect saints, and now this? Did they think that they would just get away with it? Probably, since they has tossed the whelp into a stream. Huffing, steam rose from his maw as he panted in anger, even the cold touch of night unable to quell his raging fire within. Reaching the borders he didn't even dare step passed them, he couldn't stand setting a single paw within those lines. He spat upon the other side, a snarl twisting his salmon hued face. Tipping back his head he called for his father, his rage making his howl louder and more powerful. You would think he would be a challenger, but he knew that his precious father would know his song. The large brute paced on the outside of the invisible border line, snorting to try and get rid of that stench that assaulted his nose.