
Hearts on Fire


08-07-2014, 02:53 AM

It didn't take long for his father to appear, making his ghostly form stand still and to its full height. A growl tore its way through his maw instead of a proper greeting, hackles standing on end as he narrowed his gaze at the fiery beast before him. Angry? Angry? Ha! He was so beyond that simple word. A dark chuckle hissed through his clenched jaw, no humour what-so-ever in the sound. "In better times I would apologize for the late hour, but by my glower I am sure you are in question of its power. Why I come here is because I found a sinner out of a saint, you and mother are not quaint, with darkness to your actions taint." He spat, his lyrical words sounding like venom. They gave away nothing, it was more of a riddle than actual speech. "That one you thought you did away with, is no longer just a myth, and with us he does wirthe in the soft pith. Your mangled son has been found, after you cast him down, and hoped that he was to drown."

Apollo's eyes cut into his sire like daggers, but he did not cross the border. His stance was set, limbs were slightly bent as if he was to launch himself at Helios. He withheld, wanting to see his fathers face when he brought up his demons. "Would you have done away with me like that? Would you have tossed me in a flat and wish me to have scat? Would you have tried to kill me because I was not perfect in your eyes? Is my life just a guise? Did you hope me to realize, that this was all a devise? You did hide the pup from me, because I did not see, when I came into the lee." Accusations fell from his tongue at an alarming rate, his words twisting and mangling together into a large lump of words. But his father dearest was smart, he would figure out Apollo's heated words.

talk, think