
Hearts on Fire

Helios I


9 Years
08-07-2014, 03:31 AM

Never before had the man seen his son this irate and he worried. What had happened to make the boy such, especially with it so clearly aimed at him? Lyrical vitriol spewed from the child?s lips, feeling like there was a target painted upon him and Apollo was a sharpshooter, with vocabulary as his ammunition. Helios fought the urge to take a step back, to pull inward, ears and tails, instead tilting his head upwards slightly in defiance. The knowledge that Apollo had stumbled upon the abandoned child was one he seemed to take in stride though inwardly he was reeling.
?Do not presume to lecture me! You have been raised in our culture, you know our history! Tell me, based on that what would you have done, what else were we to do?? Helios had not been the one to bring up the removal of the child but he had agreed.
Then the topic shifted, ever so slightly and for a moment Helios was lost, unsure what exactly it was Apollo was accusing him of. Like a jolt it hit him. This time he did shrink, ears pulling back and tail curling down between his legs. ?Do you really think that?? He muttered softly, dropping his gaze. ?Apollo, we have never thought you a failure.? Gods, he had known that Apollo had always lacked some self-confidence but this?
?You have always belonged, there have never been any doubt of that.? If he had known, if he had only been able to make it clear earlier on, that all of the self-doubt plaguing the boy were misplaced.

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