
Can you that I'm bound in chains? I am bound to U



08-07-2014, 08:57 AM

His large form would quickly turn to face her as she made her presence known, the toothy grin on her features brightening at seeing his face. In just a few short strides he'd be at her side, coming within inches of touching her his grin would mirror her own. A sound of joy would leave his lips and as his tail swished through the air hers would join him. He?d give her a whisper of a kiss in greeting and she?d giggle lightly.
She hoped he?d been getting along well enough so far, she knew she?d been dragging him all over Alacritis. Their relationship was never supposed to be like this, but she couldn?t say she didn?t enjoy his company or his soft touch. She enjoyed his attentions, affection, and how handsome he was. It was easy to forget about an ex-husband when Garth was around.
Her own purr of joy would accompany his bark as she resisted the urge to throw herself into his embrace. With only a few inches separating them she found herself unable to resist for long and would slowly let her weight lean into his side. A soft contented sigh would cascade from her lips as her body relaxed at his touch, "hey you," she?d start with quiet tones, "how?s your day been?" She didn?t want to leave him to her family, but since her return she?d been more busy than she?d ever thought to anticipate. "I?m glad my family hasn?t scared you off."

"Speech" Think "You"