
just another saturday night


08-07-2014, 01:44 PM
you'll run for cover

{but you can't escape the second attack}

Senka was coming to learn the eastern lands like the back of her paw. They were growing more familiar with each passing day that she spent picking her way along, no particular destination in mind. Was there a home for her to go back to? Senka wasn't sure - she didn't know if she had anywhere to go, and while she wasn't stressing herself unduly about it, it was faintly worrisome. She could take care of herself, of course, and she wasn't exactly worried about her hunting abilities or anything.

The yearling had lived somewhat on her own for almost a year now - though she had been under the care of Ignis for a few seasons, she had taken care of herself well enough these past two seasons and he had prepared her well for life on her own. She was handling herself just fine. But even Senka could get lonely sometimes, she supposed. Not that she was entirely sure that she felt lonely. It was just kind of empty around here. The lands were interesting and all, but it was like living in a ghost town. There were scents everywhere, but they were stale and uninteresting.

She ought to move on and keep wandering, but Senka had heard that these lands were quite interesting at night. The idea was tempting enough that the gray and white yearling found herself settling down at the edge of a waterway, paws dangling towards the water. Her head came to rest on her legs as the wolfess relaxed outwardly, though she remained alert for any signs of another's presence.

holding on for your life[ S E N K A ]