
Dancing Through Life


05-11-2013, 02:14 PM

Evelette did not feel it was her place to have an opinion on the affairs of the pack. She had been with Valhalla for a scarce few weeks, she was still learning the ropes, the patrols, the borders, the duties she had been assigned. The meeting had made her uneasy and off balance. The topics had risen a great deal of emotion from the ranks and she had felt a bit of an outsider amongst her new family. Perhaps it had been wrong for her to make such a hasty retreat, but the meeting had invoked emotions she felt she was intruding upon. Perhaps she would need to speak with Collision later... or perhaps some things were best left unspoken. She bartered no opinion, neither on the pack nor on Collision, her attempted flee, had allowed her the courtesy to remain neutral.

She walked briskly beside the earthen colored male, she did not view him as a prince and perhaps that was wrong of her, but titles had always seemed silly to the fae when it came to a friendship. Did it truly matter if one was a king and another was a peasant? Could the two not have mutual respect for one another? She shook off her thoughts, focusing as the young male spoke once more, almost apologizing. The ivory dame would frown, she had not meant to offend him. Gently, she would brush the length of her snout against his cheek, offering him a gentle lick. "Relax my dear, I only tease you. You look far more handsome when you smile." She would offer the compliment softly, hoping to relax him. He seemed so wire tense... he was so young, he should enjoy life, not bask in the darkness. His question would catch her mildly off guard but she recovered quickly. "I had intended to partake in a hunt, but I believe my mission has changed, I wished to hear your laugh before the sun dips beneath the earth this day."
