
my queen


05-11-2013, 02:27 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

Morning had taken Alacritis in its hold, bearing rays of sunshine and cloudless skies that hardly accommodated the mood that the pallid ex-queen found herself in. Only the previous night had she been stripped of her high-status title and superiority over the pack that she had grown so fond of and forbidden to even set paw within its boundaries that she had identified. But soon, her feminine scent would be erased from the borders and replaced with the rancid stench of Desdemona, and Morphine could not help but wonder whether or not her memory would be effaced along with it. Perhaps the new Vecaan was correct in presuming Morphine had done little to nothing to aid the pack on its way to greatness and perhaps Desdemona was not alone in feeling this way, but surely someone would miss her ? wouldn?t they? She had played a role in the pack from its very birth and had befriended few of her packmates along the way, but had her role been significant enough to derive sympathy from any of Tortuga towards her current situation?

Only negative answers to her unspoken questions and worries seemed to loom over the woman as she traversed the shoreline of the river, the cool water lapping at her heels as she travelled with no destination set in mind. She was simply here to ponder over her thoughts and past events, attempting to formulate new plots and decide upon which path to take as none had been clearly set out before her. She had nowhere to go and no one to keep her company; she had been pushed back to the circumstances she faced before pledging her allegiance to Nnoitra and Tortuga. Despite how poor those circumstances seemed, Morphine refused to fear for her safety and her future ? she would figure everything out in due time as she always had. She would set her standards high and she would succeed; she just had to start from the bottom once more.

A familiar howl shattered the silence that had captivated the queen and her thoughts, causing the woman to halt in her travels and look back in the direction the call had emanated from. Metallic eyes narrowed to slits as she squinted, attempting to find the scarlet woman whom the howl belonged to. It was undoubtedly her assassin and Morphine would be foolish to avoid her, so she awaited her presence, her ears flicking forward as a second howl resonated from the woman, this time louder and clearer to signify her closeness. At last, Morphine could make out the beauty?s silhouette, pivoting to face Vi and setting off to meet her halfway, approaching her with the blank expression she normally retained that poorly portrayed the storm brewing within. Vi? she questioned despite knowing that it clearly was the russet beta who had called for her. Surely you know what has happened by now?
