



08-07-2014, 03:55 PM

She'd stopped many time to try and groom herself. She'd done so twice within a river and a stream that had intersected her path. She felt simply disgusting, and she couldn?t wash the filth of guilt from her skin. What she?d done was unspeakable, and so dishonorable, her sin would not leave her mind. Her gaze would continue to glance behind her as she traveled home, unable to decide if he was following her or not. She felt sick and wrong. The young Adravendi girl just wished to be back in her den so she could cry away her problems.
There was no family for her to go to, Azalea was much too far away and she had no idea where any of her siblings were let alone parents. She didn?t feel quite comfortable enough going to one of the older Destruction wolves, and she felt herself dreading when she had to tell Dhiren. Could she bottle this experience up and forget about the whole thing forever? She could certainly try. First though, she needed to gain control of the emotions and the memories that welled up within her. She needed some time alone.
She found herself almost back when a scent would break through her foggy thoughts. Confusion would appear on her features as she stopped in her tracks, ears perking to catch and sound of her littermate. Too much time had passed since she?d seen the girl, and as the realization hit her she was able to forget about her encounter with the bright orange male. Her paws would move again, following the scent to its source as the sun slowly began its descent under the horizon.
She felt a relief in being distracted by her sister, Solaine was gone for so long. Excitement would not build as it once had, the day having been a dramatic changer in Guinevere?s thought processes. She?d grown up much too quickly only a few hours ago. Still she would search out her lost sibling like the world would end if she didn?t. More than anything in that moment the young wolf wanted the affections of her family. She would continue, head low as her nose showed her the way to the pale she wolf that found comfort under one of the mangrove trees. There was her sister. ?Solaine?? her timid voice would call out curiously.

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