
--once you go black you never go back



3 Years
08-07-2014, 05:22 PM

Dutiron Destruction typically stayed close to home, in fact he had never actually left the Ludicael pack lands. Of course he wasn't quite a year of age yet, though it was still perhaps a little strange, all the family he knew were in Ludicael though, aside from his mother's trip away, and he had plenty to learn from them without going off and exploring the world. Suddenly though he had gotten the urge to start seeing some of the world outside his home, his elder sister Novel had once told him that there was lots of different things to see outside of the Ludicael lands that he had always called home and whilst he couldn't recall that memory apparently subconsciously a part of it had remained within his mind and so now he would begin to start his explorations in the world.

He had no idea where he was going and certainly hoped he could rely upon his memory to get him back home without getting too lost. All the same he would continue and apparently misfortune would come across him as he found himself in a particularly unpleasant part of Alacritia. He had avoided the quicksand fortunately so far, though oblivious to the existence of such dangers it was only by pure luck that he didn't find himself sinking. All the same, even without knowing the dangers of the pitfall he would decide he wasn't too keen on the area.

A shout not too far away would catch his attention and now he would look ahead to the patch of grass and two figures. One he almost mistook for Novel, on a quick glance it was certainly an easy mistake to make though even from this distance he could see that the other wolf was in fact larger than his sister. Curious all the same he would venture closer to the pair, the scent was rather familiar as well, in fact he could smell his mother and even traces of Ludicael upon her. It was then as he reached the grass that he realised he wasn't actually overly sure what to say to the pair.