
How Woozy My Eyes

Twig I


08-07-2014, 07:59 PM

His affection was very much welcome, she didn?t receive quite as much of it as she wanted with having to share him with their babies. His answer would draw forth a giggle as he too would play along with her facade. She?d nibble his fur adoringly, noticing the same beat of his tail and her heart would swell. She still didn?t quite believe how much she really loved him. Or how thankful she was to have him belong to her.
He?d continue even further, making the bold decision to escape from there. She found no quarrels with an empty den but she also wasn?t about to deny him anything. Her dark paws would lift her from the earth as she nuzzled her mate. She?d smile as he lifted his prey from the ground, leading her off and away from the den. He?d lead her to a more perfect environment, lush green grass carpeted the bank of the river. The length was perfect and her toes would find comfort in the delicate blades. Alpine would arrange their breakfast before him, and she woulf easily find herself a comfortable place beside him.
She?d sigh contentedly as her form slipped to the ground, she?d lean into her mate?s side as her vibrant violet gaze peered out over the clear water. It was beautiful, and he was completely right it was perfect. "What a wonderful place to enjoy my meal with you." she?d comment softly as she kissed his cheek lovingly. She could already tell how wonderful the day would be.
