
We Were Never Here[P]



08-07-2014, 08:22 PM

Still a bit wary of leaving the pack lands and still very much in heat alabaster paws would not carry the dainty princess too far from home. Still, she found herself needing the alone time. With so many wolves within Ludicael?s borders it was hard for her to really stay as reclusive as she felt she needed to be. She didn?t feel confident anymore, and she certainly had lost much of her self esteem. No matter how many times Dhiren called her beautiful she found it hard to believe. Not that she?d let him know that of course, she?d smile and act sky, hiding the fact that she was really a spoiled core beneath her happy exterior.
Since her encounter with the brightly colored stranger she?d felt her insides growing hollow and weak, like she had nothing to base her beliefs upon anymore. What was love, what was happiness, did she even have any genuine qualities anymore? Her mind was always racing, always criticizing her decisions since that day. Guinevere didn?t know what Normal was anymore, she just tried to keep living and make it through the day with out breaking down.
She did well most days, and could cope with out thinking about him through even longer amounts of time but still the stranger would find his way into her head even while he was miles away. The Adravendi girl had no intentions of wanting to see his face again, so her paws would stop as she drew in sight of the labyrinthian crypts. She?d already gone too far.
