
poor little king



7 Years

08-08-2014, 12:46 AM

With all of the confusion good between them, the air cleared around their heads. It felt better, normal. It was like their other encounters, except neither of them moved from their comfortable positions. Her head rested on his back for a moment, and he just allowed himself to enjoy her company. It was soothing, it relaxed his body completely and made him fully come back to himself. There was no question, that scary moment had passed and he would not like to revisit it any time soon. He wasn't ready for that kind of relationship, he had his paws full enough as it was with Abaven and his sisters. Plus there was pups to worry about... too much on his mind to worry about a member of a pack that was not his own. Not that he didn't think about her and wonder how she was doing, but... it would just be different.

She pulled back, humming over her story. He listened closely, picturing the two little birds. He stiffened when the mate died, and the male still tended for her cold body. That was the kind of love that he wanted, the relationship that he longed for. He wanted it to be easy, like second nature. Opening his eyes, he peeked up at the dame when her tale was done. "I want to be like that male wren. I want to care for everyone like that, to not give up ever. It must take a lot of courage or effort, but it didn't seem like the wren minded." Blowing out a puff of air, he smiled and settled his head back down on her paws. He didn't intend to leave any time soon, he was super comfortable the way he was. Wren then turned the table, asking for him to tell a story or to sing to her. He chuckled softly, he knew which one they would both prefer. Bass loved to sing, and Wren had said that she liked his voice. So, a song it would be. But what? A lullaby that his mother used to sing came to mind, and he opened his eyes to look at the sky above her head. "Baby mine, don't you cry. Baby mine, dry your eyes. Rest your head, close to my heart, never to part, baby of mine." He started, his bass voice rumbling against her legs as he sung. It was lower than the usual tones, but his baritone could not handle the higher notes so much. He was able to hit them fine, his lyrics dancing around them.

"Little one, when you play, pay no heed to what they say. Let you're eyes sparkle and shine, never a tear, baby of mine. If they knew all about you, they'd end up loving you too. And all those, people who scold you, what they'd give just for the right to hold you." Pulling his head up fully he smiled, lifting up a paw and trying to boop Wren on the nose. "From your head, down to your toes, you're not much, goodness knows. But you're so, precious to me, sweet as can be, baby of mine." His low notes came to an end, his head snaking back to rest under her head and along her paws. Taking in a deep breath he nuzzled his form closer to her, a yawn cracking his mouth. He was pretty tired after all of this, and the lullaby made him think of nothing but napping.