
Among The Petals



08-08-2014, 12:56 AM

She had been restless all morning, pacing and reorganizing the den, often shifting the plush bedding from one side to the other. She was fully aware what was happening well before her contractions started. Often she would leave the den to get a drink of water, making sure to stay well hydrated for the oncoming time of her birth. Excitement and worry pitted in her belly like a huge knot. She could not wait to look upon the forms of her children with Cael, picking out names for them. But this was her first litter, and even a den mother, a seasoned healer could get nervous. She wished Erani was here with her, to guide her through this time and ease those worries away.

It most have been late afternoon when the contractions grew stronger and the pauses between then shorter. Standing outside the den sky blue eyes lifted up, checking the position of the sun. If all went well and quick she could be completely done by nightfall. She let out a short call to Cael, indicating it was time. A gasp stole the air out of her lungs, ending her howl promptly. Head lowered, even with her spine. She wouldn't go to the den just yet. One more trip to the fresh water and she should be ready by the time she returned. She knew walking helped quicken the process, hopefully Cael would be ready with herbs when she returned.

The return took far longer than she thought. Her paws dragged in the dirt and it took all her will power not to just stop where she was. These contractions were killing her, the pain was like fire in her lower belly, the sharp pain like someone latching their jaws into her. She was panting heavily as she reached the den and her mind went into auto. She said nothing and made a bee line right into the den and upon the soft bedding. Soon, soon her children would enter this world.
