
How Woozy My Eyes

Twig I


08-08-2014, 07:13 AM

She really didn?t know where she would be without her Alpine, dead maybe? She?d lost much of her will to fight through life after the loss of Fern, and then the loss of Themisto. She?d been hit hard over the past year. Losing her mother had been difficult enough, but to add two more losses and she had been ready to give up. Alpine had shown a light on her life though, he?d given her a reason to continue, and he?d provided her with a means for a family. She could forget about the bad things and focus on him and their two young children.
Today though, today was all for him. She?d spent no alone time with Alpine since she?d given birth, now was a chance for them to catch up. Her life seemed perfect, she couldn?t complain about anything. She?d try to continue nuzzling against him, but his form would move away from her. Ears would fold back slightly as she watched him with curiosity. Sinserity would shine on his face as he looked up to, without even thinking he?d drop to his knees and propose marriage once again. Her eyes would grow misty as her draw dropped, her features would light up as she scrambled to embrace his gentlemanly form. ?Of course Alpine! I?ve said it before and I wont change my mind now.? features were buried in his neck at that time, her paws trying to wrap around his shoulders to somehow bring him even closer.