
Happy we came, we've lost our way again



6 Years
08-18-2014, 06:10 AM

Vereux had learned how to be keen on listening to others. So as he listened, his eyebrow raised as she spoke. Abaven and Bevroren were allies, he didn't see a problem with Quelt being around here. Though he was aware of his family's habits, yet with what the man had said. It didn't matter what happened, if he was willing to sacrifice his well being, or was confident enough in his own abilities to be here and worry about her. Hell he was worthy as heaven to be Irune's mate. But she was worried and he didn't blame her, but a small smile would grope into a frown for a moment as she mentioned her mother. Eris was gone then? He knew the risks of her leaving, but that was how life went he supposed. But, Irune didn't know, Irune didn't know that he Vereux had actually killed someone.
?From what I gathered Irune Quelt is all those things you want to see in a leader.? Maybe he just didn't want to see the either of them upset. ?I'm sorry about your mother, Eris was a wonderful healer, Bevroren's new healer is a rather.... bulky and muscular man not as kind as your mother was.? Vereux tail would flick. At the last mention of an Armada, and finally he sighed mildly. But smiled again and tried to get a little closer to her.
?Quelt is a strong man Irune, just as much as any Armada. He came to the wall hoping you'd be around but he knew you were worried about father so he didn't go near Indarra. He's allowed near Bevroren, Abaven has an alliance with us. The fact that he was less worried about himself and more about you to me is more sign than enough he'd wait till hell froze over for you. He plans to be a king and make you a queen right? You're welcome to come to Bevroren anytime to see how me and Athena run things to study this and become stronger. You might be unsure now, but that's only a sign that you are beginning to find yourself.? Vereux wasn't sure if what he said made any sense. After all, he could barely handle being who he was himself. He had been thrown about like a pelt on a windy day. His tail flicked back and forth. ?I guess what I'm saying is....I like Quelt, you should wait for him since he cares so much about you. But I can't make your decision for you. And that I'm here if you need any training or anything, besides maybe you can hang out with Devin. He's a little scary but he's the best healer I've seen.? he chuckled.

?I speak?