
The time has come


08-08-2014, 11:19 PM

Tears would wet Ekkos face and for a moment she would say nothing, but when she did finally speak, the russet Queen was mortified. She had found love, only to be betrayed in the worst of ways. Her children were murdered in cold blood before her very eyes and she was forced to watch. Torn audits fell back against her skull, hackles lifting in anger, but not towards Ekko, no, instead towards the men that had done her so many wrongs. Tears continued to pour from blue eyes, her last words a mere whisper. Never before had she heard the woman talk so much and she doubted she would ever hear it again. The Queen was entirely speechless, but suddenly everything mades sense. All the pieces fell into place as to why Ekko had taken such a disliking to Cru and why she was determined to keep them apart. A sigh rolled off her tongue as she took a moment to settle herself, though she doubted that they was anything that could soothe the rage that sat coiled in her chest. If these men ever came searching for her dear Ekko, they would all die. She would rip them limb from limb before ending their pathetic lives. She would nuzzle her tiny friend, encouraging her to meet her gaze. There were no words that could ever change the past or repair the damage that had been done. "I am so sorry for your loss. They will pay if they show their faces here." Words held a quiet promise that retribution would be handed out to these two men without so much as a second thought. No one deserved such torment, and no one deserved to get away with it.

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