
Tallulah Mikani


08-09-2014, 01:44 AM
Out-of-Character Name: Esperanza
How did you get here?: Been Here
Age: 16

Character's Name: Tallulah Mikani
Age: 2 Years Old
Season of Birth: Winter
Adult Height: (in inches) Thirty-six inches.
Appearance Description:Tallulah is a cr?me and caramel mixed colored wolf. She can hide in the forests well, when the sun peaks through the leaves and shimmers with the radiance that comes off of it. Tallulah was the same color as the setting sun, a mix of both a light yellow and gold when the sun is just barely coming down the horizon. Her blue eyes shimmer like topaz gems in a cave. She has a beautiful radiance to herself, and every time someone sees her, they are awestruck by her delicate and complete features. This fae is strong and can be good at taking down anyone who gets in her way, due to her slightly bulky body and tall figure. She stands at thirty-six inches in height and 150 lbs. This cr?me colored fae, despite her beauty and gorgeous body and figure, can make any male run with their tail between their legs. She has a lighter shade of orange and cr?me underneath her belly and legs. Her legs are long, made for the ability to run quickly and take down bigger prey much easier than most of her other wolf counterparts.
Proof of Purchases:N/A