
Custom Concern


05-11-2013, 09:15 PM

Regardless of Laxago's unexpected submission my posture remained stiff and it was not until I caught Jupiter's slightly content but sovereign expression that I was able to relax. There had been few that had withstood Laxago's presence. Would be friends and leaders that had abandoned the pair solely for the girl's sake. I had never blamed her before and I did not blame her now but Jupiter meant to me much more than what pack life had meant before. Before Jupiter my restlessness was derived from the need to survive and the desire for a constant and normal environment in which I could care for Laxago. Now I desired, inexorably, to follow Jupiter for in every way she was the definition of a prolific leader. In presence, mind and action Jupiter had won every aspect of my respect and I would not let even Laxago steer me away from following the cream crowned woman. I had been a powerful warrior before and in my service to Jupiter I believed I could find meaning in being once again. Something beyond being Laxago's keeper.

Once Laxago's act of submission had been completed I was able to completely relax again. Her nervous behavior and the distance between them did not go unnoticed, however, for the moment Deteste was content with the formality between them as he found it most appropriate in the presence of Jupiter. My mood softened and for a moment I offered a reflection of the softness to the lass. I appreciated her humility and the extent of understanding that she showed in such an action. But it was only appreciation and the lack of warmth caused me to feel wary. it is a pleasure to meet you Laxago was the voice of the queen. I collected myself now and observed Jupiter with reflection. I swelled with thankfulness for the queen's kindness. A timid smile tugged at my jowls. I straightened myself and resumed a centered posture.
Queen didn't quite seem to fit Jupiter, in my mind. Queens were distant, complicit characters. The idea of kings and queens seemed severely formal to me and the idea that neither title was earned other than in marriage or name was adverse to Jupiter's nature. She was a solitary and self-made ruler and never before had I seen a woman who ruled not because she was widowed but because she was powerful. Unable not to linger in such reflections it took me a moment to acknowledge Jupiter's questions. Ah, I cleared my throat quietly, you were just describing the size of your pack. I had nearly forgotten the unpleasant exchange just moments ago. Jupiter... the tone inquiring and the words spoken after a pause. What do they call you here? You are not a queen. Queens are complicit and insubstantial. You must be something else.
Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.