
Let Me Orbit Your Sun {Joining}


08-09-2014, 04:35 AM

Bass seemed to accept her invitation and that eased her mind some. Venus gave the king his space, careful to make the situation as comfortable as possible for the young male. She felt as if he had yet to be with a female - his innocence had yet to be taken from him. Venus cared for this male, which was unusual. She halfway began to feel a maternal connection toward him. His mind and body was so young to take on the responsibilities of an alpha. Yet, here he was.

The question he spoke next would be difficult to answer. How to go about it so that his innocent mind could understand? To understand in a way that would not make him uncomfortable? I was born of royal blood. First in line, actually, to rule our kingdom. Though, my pack had undying trouble with another pack - a pack ruled by a demon. I was a peace-offering to the pack. Given to them by my father, but I suppose it was the right thing to do to save many members of our family. The demon had agreed to leave our kingdom alone if I were to be given to him. I was his slave. Their slave. Over time I grew strong and fighting was a must. Eventually I challenged the demon's mate for my freedom and, as you can see, I won. I had to. If I would have lost my life would have been taken, I am sure. It was a terrible way to grow up. You learn to grow up fast and strong, though.

Venus had chosen to leave out the parts of being the demon's whore. That probably would make the young Bass uncomfortable. Instead, she would leave it to his imagination to fill in the blanks. That was probably best.

A soft sigh escaped her lips, it was hard for her to think about the past. Her soul screamed for a better life, to change her ways. Though, her tainted mind would not allow it - her body craved to be a tramp. It was all that was familiar. Though, sometimes, she could not help but wonder what could have been if she had never been kept a slave. What kind of wolf she might have been.

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